Expand your energy, relationships and potential.
Connect to your body, mind and deepest self.
Expand Connect with Cass Hanson
Relevant yoga for extraordinary times.
Expand is the inhale. The ability to shift energy, to grow, to learn and expand horizons, intentions and dreams.
Connect is the exhale. Rooted and connected to your place, your relationships and most importantly, yourself.
These concepts flow in each moment throughout the twists and turns of daily life.
This yoga is relevant to the extraordinary times that we are all experiencing. Cass speaks to the moment in each class through the weekly themes. Her intention is to help clear away the stress of our times with simple reminders. Expect honest, real conversation about how collectively we relate to the world.
This yoga can help simplify and strengthen daily patterns for living well. We begin with moving the body and connecting to breath. Once you are in tune with your body, it is easier to connect to your people, your work, and your joy. Your call is to find freedom to expand your energy and live lighter, while staying connected to your body.

Want to know what comes next?
Text the word “Connect” to the number below and I’ll send a note once or twice a month.
Hi! I’m Cass Hanson
I like sun salutations, squats and restorative yoga.
I love coffee, my family and hot summers.
I also love my friends, and yoga community. You are the humans who make life interesting, funny and complete.
I’ve been teaching yoga for 12 years and in that time have come to revel in the simplicity of the practice. I focus on accessible movements over big poses. I encourage you to tap into your own body awareness instead of rigid rules.
Balance is a focal point of my teaching. Sure, I mean actual balancing poses, and energy balance on the mat.
And I also mean balance in our daily lives. Being aware of how each interaction and each response requires balance. Learning how to make daily life light, vibrant and grounded.
At the end of the day Expand Connect yoga is:
Yoga to help you expand your energy, your heart space and your potential.
Yoga to help you connect to your body, to your place, and to your deepest self.
Thanks for being here. I mean that with all my heart.
❤ Cass