Welcome to the Chakra Series

We hear the word “chakra” thrown around in yoga and in other conversations, so what does it mean? For now, we can simply think of it as an energy center in our body with specific qualities and traits.

In this first three weeks of the Chakra series we will focus on the lower chakras, which relate to our deepest selves. These are: Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus.

In the following three weeks we will focus on the upper chakras, which is the relationship between ourselves in the world. These are: Heart, Throat and Third Eye.

Each week we will focus on one moving from bottom to top.

Save the date for Saturday, March 11th at 10:30am cst for the Chakra Workshop. This time together will give deeper insight into what the Chakras are, and how they relate to our lives off the mat.

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Red Square reads Home cooked Meal, Warrior Poses, Walk outdoors without hurry, Orange Square reads Dance, Creative endeavors, Ritual, Yellow square reads plank pose, intention mapping, steady movement, Green Square reads volunteer, release judgement,

Chakra Workbook

This workbook is intended as an additional resource for you to dive deeper into the chakras and your relationship to them. See instructions on the first page and let Cass know if you have questions. Please note you will learn more about the Chakras at the workshop on March 11th.

Click on image to download workbook.

Chakra 1: Muladhara - Foundation

Feet & Legs. Connected to the Earth. Safe & Secure.

The first chakra is the Root. The steadiness of our foundation and security on the earth.

Physically, the Muladhara chakra relates to our feet, legs and bones: the structure of our body and the ability to withstand challenges. In our life off the mat, a balanced first chakra helps us feel comfortable, safe, grounded in your choices and content where you are.

In Yoga we cultivate this energy by focusing on the legs, not only in grounded poses, but also when there is resistance to grounding.

You can fortify your root chakra by cooking food for yourself, enjoy time at home, and taking slow walks outside to feel the earth underneath you.


This class focuses on mobilizing and strengthening the legs. We move through a warm-up, lunges and end with softening.

Physical Focus: Legs

Intensity: Balanced


Chakra 2: Svadisthana - Creative Center

Hips and Sacrum. Free and Awake. Creativity and self expression.

The second chakra is the sacral area including the hips. Our creative energy and deep relationship to ourself. This is place of creation, creative flow, feminine energy and awakening. The intention is to establish this relationship and embody freedom.

You can activate your second chakra with free movement, creative expression, listening to music, and focusing on your body to get out of your head.

Societal presumptions can block off Sacral Chakra energy. Instead we will stir that energy up with intention to be ourselves and live freely.


This class focuses on strengthening and mobilizing the creative center of our body - the hips! This sneaky classes includes the use of socks - and you will feel it the next day.

Physical Focus: Hips, thighs and low back.

Intensity: Balanced

Props needed: Socks, Strap (or something similar) and an optional yoga block.

Chakra 3: Manipura - Powerhouse

Center of Body and Core. Motivated and Determined. Personal Accomplishment.

This is the place of motivation, determination and making decisions. It is also the center of clearing away some of the clutter with transformative energy.

When you have too much on your plate, it is easy to feel bogged down without a clear path forward. When focusing on the core, think about the center of your being and the route you want to take.

What are you moving towards? How will you get there? This week is about deepening this understanding and reasserting your confidence. It is possible to reach your goals by taking small steps to get there. This is powerful and important work. You are so strong.


This fitness- style class follows a circuit (repeating rounds of similar exercises). Each pose is 30 seconds, and the intensity of the pose builds over the class. You'll feel motivated and ready for anything. And it's fun!

Physical Focus: Trunk and Core

Intensity: Energizing

 Chakra 4: Anahata - Heart Space

Chest, Upper Back and Arms. Open, spacious, free. Accepting and Empathetic.

We put a lot of emphasis on the space of the heart, and it is true that the heart is the most energetic space of the body. The metaphorical heart center includes the lungs. This means our two most vital organs embody this space. It is also where our arms connect to our body. Arms carry the energy of communication with others, especially now in the digital age.

Heart Chakra energy is less related to our intimate loved ones, instead this is our relationship to the greater community. The heart dictates how we interact with all people around us.

A balanced heart chakra is open, accepting and has clear and positive boundaries. In the body a balanced heart space is both open and strong, allowing for free movement and deep breaths. This week we will focus on flowing arms and an open chest.

This yoga class follows a sequence of poses that rotate between strength and mobility in the shoulders, upper back and chest. You will feel open and spacious when you're through.

Physical Focus: Shoulders

Intensity: Balanced

Mid-Series Shake Up: ‘House’ in Order

This week we are breaking from the flow of the Chakra series to pause and get our ‘house’ in order. What the heck do I mean by that?

We are going to focus on the lower chakras: foundation, creative center and the powerhouse. The idea is that if we can be connected, steady and aligned in these chakras that related to ourselves, then we can connect outward with ease and awareness.

We can think of these lower chakras like our house - our body, and dig into the physicality of structure and internal connection. We will pay attention to steadiness, fluidity and centered strength as we move through the three chakras.

This week’s on-demand class focuses on the structural connection of all three centers through mobility, strength and rest.

The Live yoga class will be a vinyasa flow touching on elements of all three centers, followed by heart-centered rest.


This class incorporates all three lower chakras into a holistic full body reset. This class will help mobilize and strengthen your house (body) through a mix of fitness and yoga, ending with deep rest.

Physical Focus: Legs, Hips, Core

Intensity: Balanced

Chakra 5: Vishuddha - Authenticity

Honest, True, Clear. Neck, Jaw and Voice. Advocating for honest representation.

For most people, the voice is how we communicate with the world and how we represent ourselves to others. The throat is the space of the voice, and inherent authenticity. This is how we represent our own personal truth.

The throat chakra represents our stance in the world, and the voice we have to advocate for what is right. We activate it by not only using our voice and opening the throat, but also by reaffirming our stance on the earth.

We often describe the throat and neck as ‘tight.’ This small conduit transmits our communication and the energy that moves from our body to our brain. As we affirm our personal truth, we will simultaneously soften to help release tense energy from the neck, shoulders and jaw.

This class focuses on neck mobility and strength. In addition to a variety of neck-focused movements, we move through a standing series with attention to drishti.

Physical Focus: Neck

Intensity: Balanced

 Chakra 6: Anja - Vision

Clear mind, Clear vision. Meditative.

The sixth Chakra is about clearing the mind so we can get quiet and see. One route is a regular meditation practice which is great! If you actually do it.

For some folks, it works better to start with the physicality of embodying movement first. This helps us get calm and centered.

I find that it takes repetitive movement and focus on the breath to help first the body settle. Once the body is calm, our energy, and finally the mind can follow suit and get quiet too.

This is easier than it sounds. Our minds are strong, and they work hard to stay alert, so we need to put in work up front to help them settle and get quiet.

This class focuses on Yoga Nidra, or Yogic Sleep, or deep relaxation. The first 12 minutes are yoga poses to help the body unwind, the following 20 minutes are guided relaxation in a Savavasa. Jump ahead to minute 15 if you'd like to skip the movement portion of this practice.

Physical Focus: Nervous System

Intensity: Relaxing

Props: Blanket roll for under the needs, under the neck, warm layers.

 Chakra Seven: Sahasrara - Vision

The crown chakra is the energetic space above, beyond and bigger than ourselves. And it is hard to embody through yoga. Instead, I like to think of the Sahasara chakra as a container for it all. A space to realign depending on where you are at right now. A space to remind you of your foundations, your presence and everything in between.

This week we tie the 6 lower chakras together to unite and harmonize our energy. This is a good week to reflect on how you feel, where you need to give more energy and where you feel vibrant and alive.

If over the past 6 weeks you’ve decided there is a specific chakra you plan to give attention to, dive in with some of those lifestyle suggestions. Don't forget to consider how focusing on one chakra might affect the balance of your other energy centers.

Can’t remember lifestyle prompts? You can find more info in the workbook at the top of this page.

This class works upward from foundation to meditation. While the intention is to move through the physical centers that relate to the chakras, this class is primarily a yoga + fitness class focusing on mobility and stabilization. Repeat this one regularly to balance your structure.

Physical Focus: Full Body

Intensity: Balancing

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