Welcome to Connect July

Connect is about getting steady and quiet, connecting to your body, your place and the earth. It is about feeling centered and focused, grounded and rooted.

Connect is the exhale.

Summer is busy. Summer is hot. Summer is a whirlwind of joy.

These 4 weeks are dedicated to taking it down a notch, and truly carving out time for yourself, for your body and to connect to the moment.

This month expect the yoga classes to be fluid and quiet, each one with dedicated rest at the end of class. There will still be a little intensity - as most people need to engage with intensity in order to properly rest, modifications will be given for anyone who needs to keep it calm throughout. Think Slower-flow, with restorative poses for the last portion of class.

The intention is that you will leave class grounded, calm and more connected to yourself.

Week 1: Connect Inward - Meditative

This week is about freeing your mind with movement and rest. Our minds are so clever that even when we ask them to quiet down, they can still find a way to solve problems, make plans, remember and anticipate.

Meditative movement is one of my personal best solutions for quieting my mind. When the body is steadily moving, the mind has something to latch onto, rather than trying to ‘work.’ We will put this into practice this week.

I find simple, repetitive movement the best remedy for a busy day, a busy month, or a busy mind. Encourage your mind to anchor on your breath and your movement to help let go of the strings of distraction that pull you away from the present.


This class is intended to help you drop into your body and soften your mind and energy. Expect continuous, fluid movement to help anchor your thoughts and free up your body.

Physical Focus: Full Body

Intensity: Balanced

Week 2: Connect Down - Ground

This week we focus on getting grounded and connecting to the earth. This helps us connect to the moment and the place we are in. Summer can be busy, the pace can pull us away from our center, and make us feel anxious or aggravated.

The practice of grounding is an important technique to stay centered, calm and ready for whatever comes next. Good news! You practice grounding every time you step onto your yoga mat! Simply focusing on your feet in yoga poses (or anytime) is an excellent way to get grounded.

The yoga this week will focus on standing poses, leading into restorative poses close to the ground. My hope is that you leave each practice calm, clear and connected to the moment.


This class is a full-on Restorative Yoga class, meaning it serves as a reset for your nervous system and 40 minutes of relaxation for your body. In this class you linger in supported poses so you can truly rest.

Physical Focus: Full Body

Intensity: Relaxing

Props: 1 Bolster (or thick cushion), 2 Block (or firm pillows), 1 Blanket (optional), 1 Strap (optional)

Week 3: Connect Beyond - Lunar Flow

This week we focus on the energy beyond ourselves and how to stay centered throughout. The moon also represents the shadow side of things: the layer beneath the exterior. Dark / shadow energy is not bad - rather it is real, essential and helpful to understand our needs, our selves and better connect to our joy.

This week we will practice Moon Salutations, a unique sequence different from our usual Sun Salutations. Moon Salutes are focused in the hips, incorporating a handful of familiar poses together, without any chaturangas or pressure on the hands. When moon salutations are practiced in repetition you will feel open and strong.

This week take time to be aware of how you are affected by energy beyond yourself, and out of your control, especially natural factors. Note how the heatwave affects your energy and listen to your best response. Notice what happens if you go against your needs and what happens when you follow them.


This class is a flowing variation of a Moon Salutation and it is designed for you to drop in to the movements and listen. An accessible yet invigorating class for all levels and all seasons.

Physical Focus: Full Body, Hips

Intensity: Balancing

This week we focus on heart energy and allowing the body and mind time to process the energy of the day.

As humans, we are processors of energy, emotions and information. And we’re good at it! That means that we need time throughout each day to slow down and reduce input, and give ourselves time to process. This is one of the many reasons a daily meditation practice can be helpful.

Similarly, I find yin and restorative yoga to be a great way to digest our own energy and the input of emotions and information from others.

To do this, be with your body and simply feel whatever comes up. This is heart energy: awareness of emotion.


This gentle, yet energizing heart flow sequence is designed to help open your heart space without big poses or challenging effort. Instead we will soften and open with ease.

Physical Focus: Chest and Shoulders

Intensity: Balanced