Welcome to Expand June

Expand is about taking up space, expanding boundaries and confidence, and expanding capacity for self, relationships and work. Expand is the inhale.

As I write this - things got HOT, literally. As we focus this month on expansion, we will work in sync with what the body needs, and cool down when necessary. Regardless the hot temps and sunny days, early summer is a time of excitement, new energy and flow. Most of us are ready to try something new and get moving.

The yoga will focus on specific poses, and pose-sets, with more instruction than in some other classes to make sure no-one is left behind. This is an all-levels series, no matter where you are coming from, we all begin together.

 Week 1: Expand Space in Hips - Arm-balances

Arm-balances are about confidence. Not confidence in whether you can do the pose to its fullest, rather confidence in your capable body. Confidence in your relationship to your movement, your flexibility, and your strength.

There is nothing wrong with NEVER landing an arm-balance. Instead, let’s see what we can do, and have FUN while doing it.

Here is my message whether you are new or have been practicing for a while: this practice is about “push-pull” and depth comes from understanding your relationship to your body in any moment.

Push means push a little further into something that seems safe, reasonable and intriguing. This is where the confidence comes in, do you feel ready to try something new? Do you know your body well enough to know whether it is safe or not?

Pull means using that same confidence to know when it is time for you to pull back. Are you too hot (or are your hands sweaty)? Are you tired today? Have you had a stressful day and any extra push may be aggravating? These are all good reasons to rest and reset.


This short and sweet yoga practice will warm the body, expand energy and set you up for crow pose.

Week 2: Expand your Heart - Backbends

Backbends can be scary, intimidating and quite honestly, uncomfortable in some people’s bodies. They can also be invigorating, empowering and EXPANSIVE when done intentionally, and with safety. This week my intention is for you to feel the expansive, flowing energy that occurs when opening up the spine and creating more space, it doesn’t matter if the pose looks like a ‘big backbend’ or not. With backbends (and most yoga poses), intentional movements are the way to create more space. Awareness is key in being attentive to your boundaries and your body, and this is where we will focus energetically.

Please revisit my note about “Push-Pull” in week one’s summary, as this is so important when working with any new or deeper pose.


This strategic, accessible yoga class helps you get deeper into backbends with intentional spinal awareness and alignment.

Week 3: Expand Strength - Build Confidence Towards Handstand

In the first week of June, we talked about arm-balances and confidence when trying something new. This week we are re-visiting that conversation with the added idea of “strength.“

It is my goal to remind you that strength is not something you need to gain, rather I’m asking you to access the strength you already have.

There’s a myth out there that we are lacking strength and to do the things we want, we need to get stronger. Instead, I believe our bodies are brilliant and capable, and we simply need to figure out how to do the movement in harmony with the body as whole.

For example, if your wrists hurt in Down dog, or plank, you could probably benefit from strengthening the wrists. However, with intelligent coordination and activation of your strength in your arms, shoulders, core, back and legs, you might be able to stay in the pose much longer without pain in your wrists.

This brings us back to confidence. This week I’m asking that through all your movements, and all your personal interactions, that you continue to remind yourself of your deep, inherent strength.


This class is a blend of fitness and yoga movements to help strengthen the trunk in preparation of handstand.

Week 4: Expand Energy - Flow Freely into Bird of Paradise

In this final week of June, we focus on uplifting energy, freeing up sticky spots in the body and taking up space. Culminating into the pose Bird of Paradise.

This is one of those love or hate poses, some people can do it easily. If that’s you - you’ve got nice mobility in your hips and shoulders, and your work is to focus on steadiness while in the pose.

If you fall into the ‘hate’ or ‘never’ camp of Bird of Paradise, don’t let the pose stop you from enjoying the space-making that can come with the journey towards it. It’s true your shoulders or hips may not allow this complicated balance, but we can all benefit both physically and energetically from creating more space in our body and expanding the flow of energy.

When we sit still for any reason, work or rest, our energy pools in the body. There is nothing wrong with this, and often we need stillness. However our body equally needs to move, and release the energy. This week is about expanding your flow to match your stillness. Anytime you feel sticky or stagnant this week - shake it out, expand your arms, jump it out and MOVE.


This flowing, spacious yoga class will help lift up your energy, free sticky spots and create more space - and maybe bring you into Bird of Paradise.