
Follow along with this 10 minute massage!

Set up your pose using your couch cushions.

This how-to will show you how to set-up for this relaxing pose using your couch cushions.

If you don't have a meditation practice, this will be a great place to start.

Follow along for this accessible meditation. You can do this anytime you have 10 minutes to sit still.

Sit-ups can be a game-changer for your energy. Let's do this!

Get instructions on a sit-up variation building from beginner to advanced. Enjoy!

Follow this audio guidance to shake up your energy and let something go.

This mobility practice is something to put in your pocket and use anytime your body feels stiff.

Follow along with this full-body mobility practice.

Follow along with these half sun-salutations to move and lighten your energy.

Follow this short tutorial to learn a simple and effective way to lighten your energy: half sun salutations.

Follow this simple tutorial to set-up your relaxing twist pose. Once you learn it, do it often!

Learn how to prop yourself up on couch cushions for a restorative supported twist.

This energizing breath practice will bring joy to your day. Start with the modifcation and add on if appropriate for you.

Breath of Joy Tutorial.

Learn how to do a safe and energizing squat.

Learn to do Safe, Fun Squats.