New Year Mapping

Welcome to mapping your new year. The value you put into your map and your intentions is the value you will get from it. You can take the whole month to follow the directives, or you can sit down and draw your map in one setting. Either way your map is flexible, malleable, and you can change and adjust as you see fit.

Depending on your style, you can use one piece of paper (a larger piece) or you can use one for each directive. If you choose to put it all on one paper, use different colors for each directive.


Consider choosing a word for your year. A simple word and intention to hold onto when things get challenging or you find yourself off the course you set upon. The word can be anything you want. Try to not use “ing” words, rather be more direct and clear. Once you choose the word, write it in the middle of your map.

Step 2: Assess the Situation

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How do you feel right now?

What are you carrying?

What are your wins?

What are your obstacles?

Assess is all about how you feel. There is no action associated assessment, except the simple action of listening to your body, your mind and your heart.

When you write down your responses to the questions above do so without a plan, judgement or a solution. This is simply time to assess and listen.

If using a single sheet of paper for your map, write your feelings on the outer edge of the paper.


Step 3: Attend to your Needs



Attention and Care are action steps here.

After listening to what you need, take small, honest steps to attend to those needs. Noting that you are taking care of yourself here, not taking care of others or expecting others to take care of you.

What small steps can you implement into your map to tend to your needs? These could be immediate or long-term. Now is the time to implement action. Try to be objective, kind and supportive of your steps. Imagine you are suggesting steps to your best friend.

Step 4: Clear the Obstacles

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This is an action.

What can literally or metaphorically be cleared from your space, your plate or your schedule?

It is hard to set about new plans, new dreams, new intentions when you are carrying the past with you. See what you can set down.

Notice where your attention goes throughout the day, or as you envision the future. Energy flows where attention goes. If something is taking too much of your attention, see if you can remove some part of it to free up your energy and give you more space.

This is a tough one, and often requires deep introspection to set upon the action of clearing away. If you are feeling stuck, try writing a fluid list with no stopping for 10 minutes. What is taking up my attention right now? What is standing in my way?


Step 5: Create the Result

(don’t be afraid to dream big)



Creative action and Implementation.

What do you want?

What do you need?

How will you get there?

This is a place to think big. Allow yourself to consider and envision large-scale changes to your schedule, your career, your relationships, your life. Write it down. Envision it.

This is also a time to think small. After you think big, back up and think small. You’re probably not going to win the lottery this year, so what are the next, small, actions that can help you move one step closer to what you are envisioning? What are the steps after that?

Can you see these steps realistically playing out in the next year or two? Write those down.

Remind yourself of recent ‘little wins’ you’ve had. What makes you happy and motivated? Put those in there.

You’ve Created your Map!

Some people may want to re-write it so it is more visually organized. Others are happy with an organic representation of their thoughts. Either way, take a good look. Possibly display it somewhere you can see it, or keep it in a space that you visit regularly to remind yourself of your intentions. The best part is to see what you have achieved.

There is power in attention and intention. You have given your needs, obstacles and visions attention. Congratulations on your good work.