Navigating November
Videos for Daily Practice
These videos are intended to be simple and effective tools to integrate into your daily practice of living. These are not yoga videos, a couple are movement based, and a couple are not. These are all practices I use in my life to enhance stability, balance and wellbeing and I hope a regular practice does the same for you.
Here is my ask: You signed up for a month-long series to get grounded in these challenging times. So I’m asking that you commit to each practice DAILY over the course of the week. If you happen to have extra time, as the month goes on you can practice more than one daily practice, but I suggest you do one per week and see what happens.
Navigating November Welcome Video
Week 1
A quick intro to Week 1 Daily Practice.
12 minute mobility practice to be done any time of day in any clothing.
Week 1: Ground
Week 2 Videos
An Intro to both the theme of the week and the daily practice.
10 Minute face massage to release tension.
Week 2: Let Go
Week 3 Videos
Welcome to week 3 - the theme is ACTIVATE. No instructional video this week - listen here and you’ll get the gist.
This is the WEEK 3 Yoga Class (11/17/20) video! The zoom class blacked out so here is a new version :)
Week 3: Activate
Week 4 Videos
Intro video to the theme Grace and this week’s daily practice.
Expand Connect Meditation Practice. 8 minutes.
Week 4: Grace