Welcome to Steady September
This month is about clearing space and setting routine.
If you’re like me, it is hard to let go of summer!
At the same time, I can’t help but feel the pull of settling and getting organized as we turn the page to September.
This month is about giving ourselves time and space be aware and enjoy the transition to a different seasonal energy. To clear the space to do so and to prioritize what is most important as we look ahead.
The yoga will be varied, as the intention week changes. Some weeks will be stronger, others more quiet - all with the intention of creating steadiness in our bodies and in our minds.
I’m glad you’re here with me.
Week 1: Clear Out
This week is about setting the busy down. Freeing up energy and letting go. We will flow, freely to let the body and mind clear.
The yoga will also build heat. Heat is transformative and a catalyst for change and burning up what we no longer need. Generating our own heat is also important as we transition to slightly cooler days and nights.
As you move your body this week, take time to notice what is energetically hanging on to your brain. What is weighing you down that can be lightened, or set aside completely? What can you mentally shift gears on as we step towards a new season? Acknowledgement is the first step to freeing up space.
This yoga flow is intended to clear out the body through twisting, shake free stale energy and lighten the mind.
Week 2: Set Up
This week is about connecting to our foundation and bringing attention to where we are at right now. The real, structural space that we are residing in. The intention this week is to bring awareness to what we have in front of us, and use it to create structure in our body and in our life. That doesn’t mean we should set our dreams aside!
The yoga is slow and deliberate, but not easy. The more intentional we get with movement, the harder it becomes. We will focus on grounding and strengthening our structure through standing poses and core awareness.
Off the mat focus on the the real, day-to-day structure of your life: how it is working and how it could be tweaked. Keep it simple, real, and positive!
An intentional, slow but strong yoga flow to connect to your structure and set up your body. We will tap into personal strength for the best alignment possible.
This week is about RE-Organizing. What I mean is using the tools you identified last week, mixing in some creativity and designing what you want and how you want it to look.
The theme this week could not have come at a better time for me. I’m right in the middle of re-organizing my work, and therefore my schedule, and then of course my family. So throughout the process it is essential that I establish and solidify my priorities, while simultaneously allowing for creative flow for situations and outcomes I may not have envisioned. That’s intense stuff!
The yoga is going to creative, yet strategic. There will be options for everyone, as each one of you has different needs. Expect to move, be pushed out of your comfort zone and also be given ample time for rest. We need it all! Here’s to shaking it up and putting it back into place.
This creative, exploratory yoga flow will challenge you to move differently, open up new pathways and connect to your body in a different way. And it’s fun!
Week 4: Steady Ahead
This week we pull all the elements of this month together to bring awareness to the path ahead. Moving with clarity and steadiness towards the schedule / routine / practice plan / lifestyle that you need right now.
In the yoga we will integrate clearing, foundation, creativity with steady movement and a little fire to help us clear away what we no longer need and forge ahead.
Off the mat, use this week to get crystal clear about your needs. Once you identify those, then envision the path forward. What do you need to clear, set-up and reorganize to get there? See it, feel it and then move towards it, with intention and care.
This yoga class brings in free-flowing movement to let go, strong alignment to set-up, creative movement to reorganize and fiery core to steady a path forward. And its fun!